Circuit operation The circuit is a differential transistor amplifier in the feedback loop of an opamp. A diff. amp. shows the same temperature dependancy like the exponential converter (-3300ppm/0C). The opamp works as a divider, with a fixed divsion, therefore the temperature coefficient turns into its reciprocal. This effectively cancels the temperature drift in the overall circuit. For best results the transistors of the exp. converter and of the diff. amp have to be on the same temperature. This is acomplished by using a CA3046/86 array, ensuring low temperature gradients. Care has been taken, to find a suitable compromise between noise (leads to jitter) and nonlinearity (v/oct precision). Maybe a solution with MAT0x transistors yields an even better SNR. However in conjunction with the expo. converter of my VCO, the nonlinearity appears only towards the low-frequency end, causing deviations of the 1v/oct standard only for frequencies below the audio range. I find this is a suitable compromise. If you disagree then you are free to tweak the values of R8,R3 and R9 to your needs. Anyway the gain of the differential amplifier *must* be less than unity, since otherwise the circuit may oscillate. To obtain the pairs of matched resistors simply buy a few 5% resistors and match them best with a DMM. This circuit has several advantages over the heating method employed by several people (refer to AN299 of National, or Rick Jansens VCO), the heater approach eats a lot of current (about 70mA), and still you have temperature gradients, i.e. the temperature falls with increasing distance of the heater transistor, so this doesn't ensure that all transistors are on the same temperature. With this method, this is eliminated largely by the fact that the chip does not get hot! The same applies to tempco resistors, you have to couple the tempco to the expo. pair, although I must say that noise and linearity are better with tempcos.