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Rbe comparison

Below I listed up a few values of rBE or Rbulk which I measured for various dual and single transistors. The procedure is to measure Vce (collector is open) while variing the base current from a few hundered micro amps to about 5 miliamps. I used a set of a few fixed resistors in the range from 1k to 15k for the base current. The Rbe is the high current slope of the Vce vs Ib graph. As we see the PNPs have generally poorer performance than their complementary counterparts. This is due to the different carrier mobility in p-Si. Also one can see the very poor performance of the CA3046. The figures suggest that one maybe gets away with single transistors glued together. At least for less critical applications. Finally I measured the difference in Vbe for the arrays (fixed base current of about 100 microamps), the collector was open. I found that all of the pairs were within one millivolt.

Why is the value for Rbe interesting? One effect of Rbe is that it delimits the gain of a single transistor stage. And in the context of synthesizer circuits it affects the accuracy of an exponential converter. It is usually not given in datasheets.

 2SC1583   BC548C   CA3096 
 CA3046   MAT04F   2SC3381   BC558C   2SA1349   CA3096 

 1,17  0,63  3,83  5,61  0,65  1,23  1,21  3,15  3,99  1,02

Beta (datasheet)
 260        measured  n/a  150-500  110 typ.  425 typ.  200-700  n/a  200-700  40-250  n/a

 dual NPN  single  
 dual NPN  single  
 dual PNP  array 


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